Niki: DANCE! Week 1

Screw resolutions. 2012 is all about the bucket list (considering the world is ending at the end of this year, according to the Mayans). 2012 is not about wishing things were different or better; it is about doing things to make life more freaking interesting.

I started 2012 with a pretty extensive bucket list of things to do before December 31, 2012.

Number 7: Dance even though 700 people are watching.

And that is where Dance Experiment—or, as I call it, Glee from Grownups—comes in. For the next three months, I will be body rolling my winter rolls with 19 other amateur Chicago dancers who think rekindling high-school show-choir drama and trauma is a good idea. And the craziest part is it all culminates on April 28 at the Park West for a Ke$ha-inspired performance in front of 750 people.

Of course, there is an element of New Year’s resolution in this little fear project as well. More than just doing things that scare me, I want to be OK being afraid. I want to allow myself to be terrified.

And that is part of the brilliance of the Dance/Fear Experiment: it allows you to say out loud that you are terrified, a freedom we don’t often allow ourselves. Saying you are terrified and having others nod along in similar recognition of paralyzing fear, creates this awesome synergy of humanity. We are all terrified in life, but there is something about saying it out loud that makes it OK—and even maybe really great—to be afraid of something.

Ironically, saying you are terrified out loud suddenly makes the thing you are terrified of seem more manageable and less petrifying.

And if you still need convincing that this experiment is awesome, check out my inspiration: Aunt Carol jamming to Usher. Imagine Aunt Carol plus 19 others and a few more body rolls, and you’ve got yourself a Fear Experiment!

Read the full reasoning behind my body roll into dance in my Gapers Block article.


Filed under Dance Experiment

7 responses to “Niki: DANCE! Week 1

  1. dwajuanmarconi

    do you get scared when you are in front of 700 people.

    • Hey Dwajuan. Yeah just the idea of it kind of makes me want to throw up! But hopefully I’ll rock it like Aunt Carol in the Usher video I posted. Have you danced in front of a bunch of people before?

  2. dwajuanmarconi

    check out

  3. melvinamarconi

    i like the web site and also im in 6th grade check out marconi word press its nice and a great web site.

  4. melvinamarconi

    did you ever get scared singing before?

  5. kristianmarconi

    are you good at what you do?
    these sounds great,.

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